Application for Membership

To apply for membership, please complete and submit the form below.
I / We wish to become members of St. John's Lutheran Church.*
I / We promise to attend worship services and the Lord's Supper (those of us confirmed) regularly and faithfully.*
I / We will strive, with the aid of God's Holy Spirit, to avoid false doctrine and an ungodly life.*
I / We will support the programs, work and goals of this congregation with our prayers, time and money as God gives us the ability and resources.*
Should I/we fall into sin, I/we desire our Christian brothers and sisters in this congregation to admonish me/us in a spirit of Christian love and concern.*
Since the constitution of the LCMS states, “The Synod has declared itself firmly opposed to all societies, lodges and organizations of an unchristian of anti Christian character (LCMS Handbook), I/we will show my/our loyalty to Christ and his church by not joining any society or organization, religious or otherwise, whose teachings or conduct conflict with God's Word and Lutheran teaching (see also Romans 16:17). *
I/We have notified my/our Pastor/Congregation that I/we wish to transfer to St. John's and have asked them to forward my/our records. *
How did you find this congregation?
 Drove by
 Friend or Relative
 Referred by pastor or other church staff
Previous Congregation
Name of previous congregation
ZIP code
Pastor's Name
Applicant Detail
First Name*
Last Name*
email address*
Contact Number*
Spouse's First Name
Spouse's Last Name
Name(s) of Child(ren)
Questions or comments?
Home street address*
ZIP Code*
